Open kulisu opened 10 years ago
I've checked in source code, and in my opinion it is not possible to hook up on messages that are sent as "text/plain", as those are not passed to plugins.
I've tried to add some debug, and those emails are not passed to any AMPlugin interface method. Can you please confirm this behavior contributors? @Bloophub @KodaKoder @Omegaice
@smarek try this build of ObjectivePGP Plugin (this build is considered as experimental)
@krzyzanowskim if used along with "GPG BETA" no difference, i used as only plugin loaded it doesn't decrypt messages at all, doesn't provide with interface controls on new message editor (top encrypt/sign controls) and doesn't verify the signed e-mails (even though the "Not Verified" orange badge next to sender name is visible)
Btw. What source code is this compiled from? I can see the ObjectivePGP repository ( but not the one with Airmail plugin sources. Would be better if you kept the development branch online so we can discuss the development there.
Thanks a lot
@smarek this is my custom plugin, no sources available. If you don't see controls it may be that plugin can't load properly. I'll drop you an email about this for debugging. Maybe you can see some errors in Console.
@krzyzanowskim indeed found some
02/01/15 02:08:49,563 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] Airmail Type:STORE OSX:10.9.5 Version:284
02/01/15 02:08:50,448 Airmail 2[25378]: objc[25378]: Class SSKeychain is implemented in both /Applications/Airmail and /Users/smarek/Library/Containers/it.bloop.airmail2/Data/Library/Application Support/Airmail/General/Plugins/AMPObjectivePGP.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AMPObjectivePGP. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
02/01/15 02:08:50,484 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] Loaded Plugin OpenPGP for AirMail This plug-in implements the OpenPGP email security standard for encryption and signing.
02/01/15 02:08:50,523 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampPileMessageView:
02/01/15 02:08:50,524 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampPileComposerView:
02/01/15 02:08:50,524 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampPileChangedRecipients:
02/01/15 02:08:50,525 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampPileIsEncrypted:
02/01/15 02:08:50,526 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampStackDecrypt:
02/01/15 02:08:50,526 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampPileVerifySignature:
02/01/15 02:08:50,526 Airmail 2[25378]: [DEBUG] OpenPGP for AirMail registered for method ampStackSendRfc:composer:
02/01/15 02:09:09,635 Airmail 2[25378]: ERROR OpenPGP for AirMail Invalid input data METHOD -[AMPlugin LogError:]:61
02/01/15 02:09:09,792 Airmail 2[25378]: ERROR OpenPGP for AirMail Invalid input data METHOD -[AMPlugin LogError:]:61
02/01/15 02:09:14,844 Airmail 2[25378]: ERROR OpenPGP for AirMail Invalid input data METHOD -[AMPlugin LogError:]:61
that's clear now ;) SSKeychain interfere with another plugin. Try disable evernote plugin for a second and give a try to ObjectivePGP plugin.
Error mentions Evernote SDK framework, I do not use the Evernote app (builtin part of Airmail 2). No other plugins were enabled at time.
So it's still not fixed, @krzyzanowskim provided plugin is not yet open-source and does not fix the inline-PGP issue. So anybody knows how to handle text/plain
content-type in AMPlugin interface?
@smarek regardless of general issue you experiences with the other plugin, I have inline pgp parser working for some cases. But the hard way is that it require work with raw RFC822 data.
@krzyzanowskim that shouldn't be problem, if we could handle text/plain messages, which seems as of now as impossible. anyway, your parser is it available somewhere we could reach for the code to integrate it within plugins? Thanks
imo is possible to encrypt and decrypt from RFC822 data you just need to parse the rfc
I reported this months and months and months ago... I conversed and provided loads of feedback and examples of emails that were not decrypting. I gave up with Airmail because of this issue. I returned today to see if it had been fixed and still is a problem. :-(
+1 What's the status of this issue? I can help with testing.
Interested in a solution for this as well.
I'd also like to see this issue get solved. Currently I primarily use PGP/MIME mail, but some senders still do inline and it should be supported.
Waiting for help too.
Still waiting for this one too.
Few people asked about this one recently. I worked on solution to that in the past, and I'm not working on it at the moment. The reason is that plugin framework is not really designed to this kind of work (and this not going to change afaik)
For a second, I've considered back to work on this plugin, but my current situation do not let me spend more time on that (it really has to be sponsored in some way), simply can't afford for more free work on this one now.
+1 I bought it and practically hasn't use it due to this missing feature.
+1 I receive this kinda message many times per week and I use Thunder+Enig toopen these. Also Android K9 + OpenKeychain manage it automatically
Will there be a fix? Airmail is useless without a fix for inline encrypted content. @krzyzanowskim Why does Airmail not fund your time to develop such thing?
@Airmail - Why is that?
I simply gave up on Airmail actually providing working/reliable GPG and went back to Mac Mail with GPGMail.
@dschwabeS11 There is no simple answer. My resources are limited. I'm partially involved in the PGP support for another e-mail client though (
Thanks for replying to quickly. I'll also checkout canarymail as a possible alternative.
Airmail answered that "they will forward this" (Github issue link) to their developers. Basically it seemed more like a generic answer. It's a shame that they kinda stopped developing major features further after they received the reward.
a mail send from ThunderBird with latest Enigmail and GPGTools on OSX cant decrypt by GPG Plugin beta5. can handle inline GPG and PGP/Mime.
but it can decrypt successfully when sender set Enigmail - PGP/MIME will be used - Force PGP/MIME.
thanks for your support.
warm regards, Chris Lin