AirtestProject / Airtest

UI Automation Framework for Games and Apps
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VR产品使用时,无法实时获取launcher转头的数据 #27

Open yangxh12 opened 6 years ago

yangxh12 commented 6 years ago


Meteorix commented 6 years ago

@yangxh12 你好,欢迎来吃螃蟹 :) 我们还真没自测过VR产品,本周在网易内部VR项目验证下 另外,能提供你的设备和引擎信息吗?

yangxh12 commented 6 years ago

谢谢你!!! 设备是Android系统7.1 引擎unity 3D 2017.3.0f3。

yangxh12 commented 6 years ago

还会出现Minitouch init failed, you might not be able to touch screen的现象

TreHack commented 6 years ago

@yangxh12 你好,你们的游戏是安装再Android手机上的吗?

yangxh12 commented 6 years ago


yangxh12 commented 6 years ago

我们这边设备连接之后,一直出现<Minitouch init failed, you might not be able to touch screen>Minitouch 初始化失败的问题,我们的VR设备是没有触摸板功能的,请问一下,Minitouch 是什么意思呢?,是Airtest的模拟器窗口还是和初始化手机的触摸板相关呢?

TreHack commented 6 years ago

@yangxh12 可以加下我们的QQ群详细聊下吗?QQ群号:437119175

yangxh12 commented 6 years ago
