Airthings / waveplus-reader

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Weird bug with the Airthings Wave Plus Hardware #31

Open loiphin opened 2 years ago

loiphin commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Sorry I am putting this in the software dev part of airthings, but hopefully it will find its way to the hardware devs of the Wave Plus. I dont know where else to post this so it gets seen by the right people?

I own an Airthings Wave Plus and found a weird bug with the unit. It has been sitting on my desk in my office for the past couple of weeks and the ring light was continuously lighting up. It just would not stop. I thought it was the way it worked and was getting really annoyed and could see the batteries going down pretty fast. Then I realised that my IKEA LED lights (FLOALT) mounted on the ceiling were interfering with the light ring motion sensor. As soon as I turned off the IKEA lights it stopped glowing. It would only glow as I waved my hand across (as it's supposed too).

Even if I put a piece of cardboard on top of the Wave Plus, the IKEA lights would still interfere with the sensor to trigger the light. Only if I put something substantial between it and the light would it stop glowing when the IKEA lights are on. Right now its hiding underneath my desk. I can create a video and upload it if you want further proof :)



drostar commented 1 year ago

I had a similar issue which seem to be related to having an LED light strip located very close to the Wave Plus. It would constantly light up and caused the battery to drain very quickly. I ended up just moving the Wave Plus somewhere else. But it would be great if there were an option on the Wave Plus to disable the hand motion sensor for situations like this. I never use the hand wavy feature anyway and instead just look at the values in the app.