AiuniAI / Unique3D

Official implementation of Unique3D: High-Quality and Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image
MIT License
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Is the lambdalabs/sd image variations diffusers model sd1.4 #26

Open libai-lab opened 2 weeks ago

libai-lab commented 2 weeks ago

Is the lambdalabs/sd image variations diffusers model sd1.4? Is it possible to use the SD1.5 model to generate acceleration through a few steps of hypersd, or is there any other solution that can optimize acceleration? I see that using the current model requires 50 steps. Can we use other acceleration schemes for single or multi-step image generation

wukailu commented 1 week ago

Theoretically any diffusion inference acceleration work can be used, we don't have enough time to do acceleration for inference. If you can help, we'd really appreciate it!

libai-lab commented 1 week ago

Theoretically any diffusion inference acceleration work can be used, we don't have enough time to do acceleration for inference. If you can help, we'd really appreciate it!

there is a very Simple examples