AiuniAI / Unique3D

Official implementation of Unique3D: High-Quality and Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image
MIT License
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Total time for the generation #42

Open shudct opened 3 days ago

shudct commented 3 days ago

First of all, thx for release the code!

when I test ,I notice the total time for the process is quite long, especially in the following function.

scripts/ geo_reconstruct

img_list = [front_pil] + run_sr_fast(refined_rgbs[1:]) -------> 40s

rm_normals = predict_normals([img.resize((512, 512), resample=Image.LANCZOS) for img in img_list], guidance_scale=1.5) -------> 90s

vertices, faces = run_mesh_refine(vertices, faces, rm_normals, steps=100, start_edge_len=0.02, end_edge_len=0.005, decay=0.99, update_normal_interval=20, update_warmup=5, return_mesh=False, process_inputs=False, process_outputs=False) ------> 90s

I wonder if this is normal and is there any way to speed it up? thx a lot.