Use a new flink_sql-cli image built from the new sql-client spec
Why this way
I wanted to use the SQL CLI for Flink to test, but I had problems installing Java 8 on my Mac M1, and also the slack connector seemed to want a later version of Java. Since Java 11 is the default installed on my Mac by homebrew, that is what I chose.
With these changes, I was able to successfully use the SQL queries as documented for the slack connector.
About this change - What it does
Upgrade from Java 8 to Java 11
Why this way
I wanted to use the SQL CLI for Flink to test, but I had problems installing Java 8 on my Mac M1, and also the slack connector seemed to want a later version of Java. Since Java 11 is the default installed on my Mac by homebrew, that is what I chose.
With these changes, I was able to successfully use the SQL queries as documented for the slack connector.