Detect server's signing requirement without requiring the first message to be sent
Would make it faster to know the status and therefore make decisions based on it; simplify the indicator
Other Information
A competitor mod used this mixin to achieve this (1.20.4):
@Inject(method = "onServerMetadata(Lnet/minecraft/network/packet/s2c/play/ServerMetadataS2CPacket;)V", at = @At("TAIL"))
private void onServerMetaData(ServerMetadataS2CPacket packet, CallbackInfo info) {
if (packet.isSecureChatEnforced()) {
// implementation
I don't know why, but so far it appears to be spoof-proof, meaning it will not false alert on servers that hide the toast on vanilla clients, such as Hypixel and other viaversion ones.
Detect server's signing requirement without requiring the first message to be sent
Would make it faster to know the status and therefore make decisions based on it; simplify the indicator
Other Information
A competitor mod used this mixin to achieve this (1.20.4):
I don't know why, but so far it appears to be spoof-proof, meaning it will not false alert on servers that hide the toast on vanilla clients, such as Hypixel and other viaversion ones.