Aizistral-Studios / No-Chat-Reports

Disable Player Chat Reporting and make user messages untrackable.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Mod is preventing Server List Ping from correctly being processed #481

Open Joyfulasteroid opened 1 week ago

Joyfulasteroid commented 1 week ago



Minecraft Version


Modloader Version


No Chat Reports Version


Modpack Info

The latest.log File

No response

Bug Description

If you have this mod in your mods list it will make it so either the server list does not recieve/process the response from the server at all or if it does it takes a very long amount of time. This includes the MOTD, server icon and the player count. Removing only this mod from ATM10 completely fixes the issue


Steps to Reproduce

To reproduce:

  1. Download ATM10
  2. Add a server to the server list

This alos occurs When it is the only mod To reproduce:

  1. Install NeoForge client
  2. Download NoChatReports NeoForge mod
  3. Add to mods folder
  4. Load game and add server to server list

Other Information

No response

Gbergz commented 1 week ago

Can confirm this issue.

Joyfulasteroid commented 3 days ago

Hoping this gets fixed soon as it will make some servers avoid using this mod as the MOTD and player counts are what a lot of players look for when joining a new server