Ajaxy / telegram-tt

Telegram Web A, GPL v3
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Unable to resize Telegran WebZ dialog width. #105

Closed TokugawaTFC closed 2 years ago

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

Cannot resize the Telegram WebZ PWA. I have been unable to resize it to a smaller width. This used to work previously

The Telegram version I am currently using is 1.30.5. This is on a an HP Chromebook X 360 14 with Chrome 97.

Dragging any corner or side of the dialog does not make the width smaller.

Ajaxy commented 2 years ago

Does refreshing the page not help? Can you attach a screenshot?

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

Refreshing the PWA does not help Screenshot 2022-01-24 9 40 35 AM .

Ajaxy commented 2 years ago

Which device are you using it on? Does it have a mobile screen layout? I do not see the middle column on your screenshot.

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

I'm using an HP Chromebook X 360 14 with Chrome 97 and Telegram in the Progressive Web App version.

Screenshot 2022-01-24 4 53 36 PM

Ajaxy commented 2 years ago

From your screenshot I can see that the app takes the entire width of your system window. So probably, that's a restriction of your system?

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by system window. This is on a laptop not a phone. Re-sizing used to work fine a few builds ago so something in the OS or the Telegram PWA changed. Just in case it was not clear this is a Chrome OS laptop.

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

This might help. Here is a screenshot of the whole desktop. Screenshot 2022-01-24 5 33 28 PM

Ajaxy commented 2 years ago

PWA can not control the size of the window. Web Z can only allow you to resize the column width when in multicolumn layout. To enter multicolumn layout you need to manually resize the window to make it wider or to use a fullscreen button (black square icon on the right top).

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how else to say this. It DID work before. I cannot resize the width to make it smaller (that's the problem). When I use the the fullscreen button it maximizes the dialog and I still cannot make it smaller. Is there some other setting I need to change for me to be able to resize it again?

Ajaxy commented 2 years ago

Can you please attach a screenshot of the maximized window?

TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

Screenshot 2022-01-25 9 19 04 AM

Ajaxy commented 2 years ago

So here is a green line. If you drag it — you will be able to resize the left column. That's the only thing a PWA can do.


TokugawaTFC commented 2 years ago

Ok, Thanks. Not sure what changed but I was able to resize it previously all the way from the left pane.