Ajaxy / telegram-tt

Telegram Web A, GPL v3
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Support for installing language packs by link #243

Open EricKotato opened 1 year ago

EricKotato commented 1 year ago

Even though WebZ (which is WebA now, I guess) is supported on Telegram's Translation Platform, it has no support for tg://setlanguage?lang=<lang_code> and https://t.me/setlanguage/<lang_code> links. These links allow to install a language from Translation Platform if corresponding pack is available.

Mahdi-Hazrati commented 1 year ago

From my understanding, the tg://setlanguage?lang=<lang_code> andhttps://t.me/setlanguage/<lang_code> links are used to install language packs on Telegram by linking to the corresponding pack on the Translation Platform.

It is possible that WebZ (or now WebA) does not support these links because it may not have been implemented yet or because there may be technical limitations preventing its support. Additionally, it's also possible that the developers of WebZ (or now WebA) may have intentionally chosen not to support these links for some reason.

However, without more information on the specific reasons why WebZ (or now WebA) does not support these links, I can only speculate as to why this is the case.

i think i can work on this feature

EricKotato commented 1 year ago

It is possible that WebZ (or now WebA) does not support these links because it may not have been implemented yet

That's why it's a feature request, yes.

or because there may be technical limitations preventing its support

I don't think there are any. AFAIK it's fetched via langpack.getLanguage API method, which is used for both official and unofficial languages. And since WebA is on Telegram's Translation Platform and official languages are already supported via this API (reference), there are no technical limitations.

Additionally, it's also possible that the developers of WebZ (or now WebA) may have intentionally chosen not to support these links for some reason.

It makes no sense to refuse support for these links, since they're implemented in all official Telegram apps. But even in that case it should at least give the message like "installing languages by link is not supported in WebA".

AndrewGoal commented 2 months ago

Hi guys, how's it going?