Ajaxy / telegram-tt

Telegram Web A, GPL v3
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.2k stars 463 forks source link

Audio / Video chat Call not working on web , Chrome. Error : DOMException: Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote offer sdp: The media section with MID='0' has a ssrc-group with semantics FID and an unexpected number of SSRCs. #299

Open Ebad2001 opened 8 months ago

Ebad2001 commented 8 months ago

i keep getting this error image


secretsauce.ts:735 offer created

secretsauce.ts:746 local desc set


{header: Array(7), audio: Array (29), video: Array(130), application: Array(10)} parseSdp.ts:99

▸ application: (10) ['m-application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel', 'c-IN IP4', 'a-ice-ufrag: TClu', 'a-ice-pwd: audio: (29) ['m-audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 63 9 8 13 110 126', 'c-IN IP4', 'a=rtcp:9 IN IP4', 'a-ice- header: (7) ['v=0', 'o=- 4488363887646396395 2 IN IP4', 's=-', 't=0 0', 'a-group: BUNDLE 0 1 2', 'a=extmap-allow- video: (130) ['m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 102 103 104 105 125 39 40 45 46 98 99 100 101 112 113 116 117 118', 'c=1

► [[Prototype]]: Object iceconnectionstatechange checking secretsauce.ts:718

DOMException: Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote offer handleError.ts:33 sdp: The media section with MID='0' has a ssrc-group with semantics FID and an unexpected number of SSRCS. connectionstatechange connecting secretsauce.ts:729

iceconnectionstatechange disconnected secretsauce.ts:718

connectionstatechange failed secretsauce.ts: 729

GET https://web.telegram.org/a/progressive/msg-1001801558963-252:5312294565653263437 net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal a/:1 Server Error)`

breadfruit-tree commented 7 months ago

I think I ran into a similar problem,view shows “Exchanging encryption keys”

alexsupa597 commented 6 months ago

I got the same issue. Have you resolved it?

breadfruit-tree commented 6 months ago

I spent some time troubleshooting this problem. I visited the link "https://web.telegram.org/k/xxx" and then changed your web version of telegram to the k version. I found that the call was no problem. You can also dial the K version of the url, but if it is initiated on the url, the app cannot be connected and keeps exchanging keys. It’s strange, someone has asked related questions on the telegram forum, but there seems to be no reply yet.