Hi Ajay,
I was thinking it might be good re-configure the left control a bit as follows
Move the map and settings to the menu button - so the current view that is "always on" on the left hand, can be toggled off/on via the menu button (currently the map is a bit distracting if it is big. no need to have it unless the user needs it)
Make left/right thumbstick movement to toggle forward and back through time (rather than the clicking on the menu which is not very smooth)
Maybe have the current timepoint listed as text attached to the controller so the user can know which timepoint they are in? Can you add an item in the mod menu to be the text displayed for the name of the current timepoint?
Plan to have pushing the thumbstick up and down toggle data layers for when we get hyperspectral or thermal layers - this will be a layer at the current time point and aligned to the current point cloud, but it would be loaded in place of the current view (e.g. switching between an RGB and hypersectral view)
Hi Ajay, I was thinking it might be good re-configure the left control a bit as follows