AjaySharvesh3 / FlickerApp

Flicker - Movie Application with the limited number of flicks with different categories with the help of TheMovieDB API.
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Issues: #1

Open bxute opened 6 years ago

bxute commented 6 years ago

Again you are having the same issue with DetailsActivity. You are trying to use only the last segment of image url.

Solution You need to prefix the root url like

String overview = getIntent().getExtras().getString("overview");
String poster =  "http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185" + getIntent().getExtras().getString("poster_path");
String backdrop = getIntent().getExtras().getString("backdrop_path");

So have the change in DetailsActvity

bxute commented 6 years ago

Adding replicant movie data in my favourite activity. For ex: Antman movie is saved more times as much I select that favourite.

This is due to incorrect state of favourite button. While setting data in DetailsActivity you should first check whether the movie already favourited or not.

If it is favourited you should turn favourite button coloured(indicating the favourite). When the user clicks in this state, movie should be removed from favourite.

If its not Then you should keep the normal button. When the user clicks in this state, movie should be added to favourite.

bxute commented 6 years ago

You should learn to add Log.d statements in correct places for debugging. To debug cast and other data, put Log before and after passing data.

bxute commented 6 years ago

Issue 3

In DetailActivity.java

        LikeButton likeButton = findViewById(R.id.fav_button);
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager
        //get all the favorited movie list
        //check if the current movie is in the list or not.
        // If it is then call method
bxute commented 6 years ago

Issue 2

I can't retrieve any cast data and review data, after I added to favorite movies.

As i can see, casts and reviews are loaded. Logic

Loading cast and reviews require id right ? You are getting id in DetailActivity from Intent.

It is being received correctly, so there is not issue in it.