AjuntamentdeBarcelona / decidim.barcelona-legacy

:warning: [DEPRECATED] Decidim Barcelona - Direct and participatory democracy web platform
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Proposals voting limited to N amount #753

Closed andreslucena closed 7 years ago

andreslucena commented 7 years ago

We need a flag for a new kind of proposal, where a verified user can vote for 10 proposals, for the next phase of Participatory Budgets Pilot on Eixample for the 28th of november. It should be applied to this proposals: https://decidim.barcelona/prova-pilot-pressupostos-participatius/8/proposals?order=random

Until the next phase, the user can view and change their proposals vote.

The initial design can be found here: https://decidim-design.herokuapp.com/phase4_proposals_2/ - although it should be improved.

Further explanation:

Durant la fase de deliberació totes les persones empadronades a la ciutat podran prioritzar les propostes, a través d’un sistema de suports. Tothom disposarà de 10 suports a repartir entre les diferents propostes d’actuació.

andreslucena commented 7 years ago

We're making some tests on the "process prova", and we've detected a few bugs:

beagleknight commented 7 years ago

@andreslucena I think the first and the last issues are fixed in #777 so I will implement the third checkbox now.