Akandesh / BlazeDumper-Rust

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Offsets out of date - new metadata version? #7

Closed etr-dev closed 5 months ago

etr-dev commented 5 months ago

Hello, I think the offsets are out of date (or I could just be crazy). I tried dumping with il2cpp locally and got an error about metadata version. I think this could be the issue if it is causing the dumper not to work.

// Error I get from il2cpp, maybe this helps idk?

Initializing metadata...
System.NotSupportedException: ERROR: Metadata file supplied is not a supported version[29].
   at Il2CppDumper.Metadata..ctor(Stream stream) in C:\projects\il2cppdumper\Il2CppDumper\Il2Cpp\Metadata.cs:line 38
   at Il2CppDumper.Program.Init(String il2cppPath, String metadataPath, Metadata& metadata, Il2Cpp& il2Cpp) in C:\projects\il2cppdumper\Il2CppDumper\Program.cs:line 119
   at Il2CppDumper.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\projects\il2cppdumper\Il2CppDumper\Program.cs:line 94
Akandesh commented 5 months ago

Yeah you might be correct, looking into it.

The il2cpp dumper snippet you posted implies that you didn't feed it the correct metadata file. I tried dumping with latest il2cppdumper without any issue.

etr-dev commented 5 months ago

Yeah I may have been on an old release or something cause I checked the source code and it should work with versions up to 29. I rebuilt it from the source and il2cpp worked. The il2cpp thing may just be an issue on my end, figured I'd share it in the case it could help you if you had a similar problem.

My guess is that the latest release of rust bump the metadata version to 29. The released versions of il2cppDumper probably don't go up to that version so you have to build it from the source to support version 29. That's my theory at least

Akandesh commented 5 months ago

Nah the il2cppdumper that's from 2023 is fine, only problem I noticed when updating it was that the script.json file contained unicode variants of < and > so had to fix that. But yeah, now it's updated.

GLHF, tried updating my stuff but for some reason the camera manager offset inside unityplayer isn't there and it's changed a bit, loaded up with the pdb but I don't remember it being this confusing but there's not much talk about it on uc so probably something obvious I'm missing.

etr-dev commented 5 months ago

Awesome thank you! I was probably just doing something strange