Akascape / CTkDesigner-Support

Support page for CTkDesigner - GUI design app for customtkinter
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Add a "preview" option #19

Closed AjaxFNC-YT closed 3 months ago

AjaxFNC-YT commented 3 months ago

I have stuff that switches the page, but i cant test it without exporting as py. u should add a "preview" option to just run the file

also possibly a "open .py" instead of .json, saving json then exporting py is kinda just annoying

Akascape commented 3 months ago

Ok, I will try to add this in next version.

Akascape commented 3 months ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Added the option in v6.0

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 months ago

yo, u should add a way to select mutipule items and manage them, like delete muti, edit muti, and duplicate muti, when dupiclating it should allow u to move both of them

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 months ago

also a way to enter a video for the video widget

Akascape commented 2 months ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Selecting multiple widgets will be tough to implement.

Secondly, if I add the ability to add video then I have to pack the pyav module which is >50mb in size. It will increase the exe size, so that's why I have not implemented it. But you can add your video easily in the widget through code.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 months ago

alr, could you add a image widget?

Akascape commented 2 months ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Already implemented the ctkdraw widget which is only for images. Features of ctkdraw:

I recommend using this widget if you want to add images in the app.

However there is also ctklabel/ctkbutton where you can add images.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 months ago

ok, thank you, could u add a undo option?

Akascape commented 2 months ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Will work on the undo option.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 months ago

Hello, is there an update for the undo option? alos i have another suggestion, could you add snaplines the widgets (so i can snap them to the center) just like a image editor would have?

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

any updates? V6 works good, but its kinda buggy

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

im gonna use V5 again, V6 is good and has good features, but dam, its annoying with the bugs, for example, i change a color on a object, and next thing you know, i click off of it, and it goes back to what it was before. very annoying while tryna make GUIs.

Akascape commented 1 month ago

for example, i change a color on a object, and next thing you know, i click off of it, and it goes back to what it was before. very annoying while tryna make GUIs.

@AjaxFNC-YT Can you further explain this bug? Like some screenshot

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

Here is a view of me showing it

Idk if it showcases it well, but i hope it does.


AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

also another issue ive been having, most of the time the preview button just doesnt work/do anything when i press it

Akascape commented 1 month ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Ok, the first is behavior is happening because the bg_color is automatically set to the background frame color. You can fix that widget in frame after changing the bg_color. Or change the fg_color as it's a label, it's not actually a bug.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

And for the preview button not working?

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

Also I should be able to turn that off, u should make it a setting where it automatically does that or not

Akascape commented 1 month ago

also another issue ive been having, most of the time the preview button just doesnt work/do anything when i press it

@AjaxFNC-YT You might be using a different python version when you preview it, because the modules are not installed in that version. You have to change it to correct python version, just move the correct version to top in environment variables of windows. Or install the modules in the default one.

Akascape commented 1 month ago


Also I should be able to turn that off, u should make it a setting where it automatically does that or not

Yes, but why changing the bg_color of the label? There are already workarounds. bg_color should always camouflage with the background, that's how customtkinter widgets should work.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 month ago

for some reason its not, it takes the bg, but it should take the bg of the frame

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 weeks ago

question.. what does V7 add?

Akascape commented 2 weeks ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Changelog for V7 is given here: https://github.com/Akascape/CTkDesigner-Support/discussions/26

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 weeks ago

is there a way you could make the draw widget not make the corner radius not a circle and more like a corner like a button?

this is the circle thingy:


it should only do the corners, not make it a circle: kinda like this: image

idk if its possible to fix/add a option for, but, just thought i would say something, its kinda annoying, at the moment i have to make it a PNG and round it in another software, would be cool if i didnt have to do that. also ik CTRL + Z is expermental, but could you make the ctrl + z undo pastes (ctrl + v)

Akascape commented 2 weeks ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Ok, will add this soon.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 2 weeks ago

Will there he a 7.2?

Akascape commented 2 weeks ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Maybe not in 7.2, minor updates are provided when there are some major bugs in the version. New features are added in major versions, which I think is a good update plan/roadmap. But I can provide an update in ctkdlib, where I will add another feature to solve the problem you described. But it will be a manual parameter which you have to pass through the parameter box.

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 week ago

please do.

Akascape commented 1 week ago

@AjaxFNC-YT Added a new parameter balanced_corner, you can set it to True to get equal corner radius instead of an oval. For now, you have to manually add this line in the exported code, make sure to update ctkdlib to 7.1

AjaxFNC-YT commented 1 week ago

W!!!!!! Thank you for that, it looks so much better now. And i was able to add it in the actual app by passing balanced_corner=True then clicking preview

AjaxFNC-YT commented 6 days ago

Bug: the grid lines dont stay at the top, i can put a frame over it and it goes away.