AkeemAllen / WikiGen

Desktop Application to generate wikis for Pokemon Rom Hacks
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Feature/issue 10 game route editing #18

Closed AkeemAllen closed 2 months ago

AkeemAllen commented 2 months ago

This is a BIG update that brings in a lot of functionality for creating, editing, and rendering routes. More specifically, users are now able to add and modify wild encounters and trainer encounters, as well as generate the documentation for these routes.

Route Addition

Users are able to create new routes.


Adding and modifying Wild Encounters

Modifying Encounter Types

In a typical Pokemon game, you can face wild encounters on different parts of a route, grass, water, cave, etc. This can be pretty free-form so I didn't want to control/manage the different encounter types myself. So I've given the Rom Hack Creator that ability.


Adding Encounters

Now comes the fun part and one of the major functions. Users are able to add Pokemon as well as their encounter rate to different routes. And you can specify where you find the Pokemon on that route, tying back into my previous point.


Trainer Encounters

Next up is trainer encounters. Similar to wild encounters, you can add Pokemon and their levels to trainers.


Trainer Details

Users can add specific details to trainers. They can give the trainer a sprite, Modify their different versions (we will get back to this), and change their position. Position controls the order in which they appear in the route.

Trainer Versions

Trainers such as rivals can have different Pokemon depending on your choices, such as a starter. You can create different versions of the trainer to account for this. Afterward, you can specify which of their Pokemon belongs to that trainer version.


Pokemon Details

The setup of each trainer's Pokemon can be unique. Users will be able to specify a Pokemons's ability, nature, held item, moves, and the trainer version(s) to which they belong.


Wiki Generation

Now for the grand masterpiece. Once all of the information on wild encounters and trainers is specified, you can generate the wiki documentation.


Finally, to touch back on routes in general, as a user, you'll be able to Rename, duplicate, reposition and delete routes


This took a lot to get done, but I'm happy with the progress. This was a major part of the application that is now essentially finished.