AkeemAllen / WikiGen

Desktop Application to generate wikis for Pokemon Rom Hacks
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Feature/issue 29 preload pokemon data #31

Closed AkeemAllen closed 1 month ago

AkeemAllen commented 1 month ago

Lots of changes have been made to the underlying code to make this work. But User only need to know about two main features thanks to this update.

Preloading 1025 Pokemon

Users will no longer need to load Pokemon data on their own. All 1025 Pokemon currently available in the game are preloaded into the pokemon data directory alongside their latest stats, abilities, moves, and typing.


Since this made the Prepare data tab obsolete, I've replaced it with the Wiki Generation tab. You can now generate multiple pokemon pages in the same place pokemon are edited.

Loading all Forms

In connection with the previous feature, I had to account for different forms for many pokemon. Users will now be able to edit specific forms for a pokemon. The pokemon page will also render accordingly with a pokemon's different forms organized under tabs.

Note: I'm currently not accounting for regional variants and I've probably missed some other forms. I'm hoping to include those over time.



Users are now able to perform certain navigations and actions with HotKeys. I found that this helps speed up the editing process. I've listed all of the currently available hotkeys. I plan on adding more in the future depending on how useful they'd be.

Keymappings - Mac

On Pokemon Page

On ModifyMoveset Modal

On Routes Pages ...To be determined


I added a few smaller features and bug fixes.