Akinesis / better-enchanting

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Villagers are now more OP #5

Closed supergregg123 closed 1 week ago

supergregg123 commented 1 week ago

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Librarians are more necessary than before, with most essences being completely ridiculous to craft compared to trading for. They also now offer previously difficult to obtain/farm items like scutes, pistons, heart of the sea, and blue ice. The mod description said that librarians had been nerfed, so I doubt that this is intended.

I would remove essences from the trade pool, maybe offering them as a master level trade. And having the earlier book trades replaced with infused lapis, dull shards, exp bottles, or something less useful like paper.

Love the mod btw!

Akinesis commented 1 week ago

Yup, i agree. As i removed the books trade to librarians i din't wanted to make them completly useless. But as some recipes are (way too hard) to make, it's in deed making then absoluty necessary.

I'll tweaks recipe a little and maybe move essences trades to Expert / Master tiers.

Akinesis commented 1 week ago

I've just push a small update to start balancing things off. Essences and rare item are ... rare in trade offers and more expensive.