Akkadius / glass-isc-dhcp

Glass - ISC DHCP Server Interface
MIT License
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sorted columns don't stay sorted #23

Open scratchfury opened 5 years ago

scratchfury commented 5 years ago

When I sort a column, the information will unsort a few seconds later. I can't seem to find a way to lock it or stop the refresh that unsorts it.

Akkadius commented 5 years ago

That's because the style of updating that is updating information on the front page is being driven by real time updates by websockets and also being refreshed via straight HTML rendering so it completely loses sorting each time. The way to fix this would be to data bind to the table array data but for now I wil mark this as a bug and enhancement

ASteffen117 commented 5 years ago

As a workaround, I updated my timer to 60 seconds as I can usually find what I am looking for in that amount of time.

Public/templates/index.html Right after get_stats_timer

piozylka commented 4 months ago

As a workaround, I updated my timer to 60 seconds as I can usually find what I am looking for in that amount of time.

Public/templates/index.html Right after get_stats_timer

thx for sharing