Akkadius / glass-isc-dhcp

Glass - ISC DHCP Server Interface
MIT License
686 stars 143 forks source link

Include in config not supported #30

Closed NightFlame closed 5 years ago

NightFlame commented 5 years ago

I run two dhcpd (on two servers) in failover. Glass installed on primary server. Primary functions of glass works fine (view, read config, monitoring, restart, api).

My dhcpd config splitted by subnets for easy sync on secondary server, for ex.: include "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.d/subnet01.conf";

Akkadius commented 5 years ago

I knew this would be a want, but given the very small amount of time Glass was whipped up for, editing config files was not the primary desire for my needs at the time so I left this as a stretch. I have another issue open requesting this same thing so when time permits or someone implements it I will leave that issue open under label enhancement

leifnel commented 4 years ago

I would second this issue, as I also have two servers in failover.

I only have a main config, which are rsync'ed from master to slave, and an include "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.failover";

This file exists on both servers, but contains the different settings for master and slave.

It would be nice if this include could be accepted It need not be parsed, as the server runs perfectly fine without it, just in standalone mode.