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Is Dicipline Issues #154

Open CoreAutomation-JD opened 1 year ago

CoreAutomation-JD commented 1 year ago

I've come across several spells that have "Is Discipline" unchecked, but the spell itself says its a combat ability. You have to actually enabled "Is Discipline", then disable in order to fix this.

Isaaru commented 11 months ago

In the database many disciplines are actually flagged -1 instead of 1 for "IsDiscipline". Look at it in SQL or peqeditor to verify.

Akkadius commented 11 months ago

Looks like there are 3 possible values.

mariadb> select count(*), IsDiscipline from spells_new group by IsDiscipline;
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| count(*) | IsDiscipline |
|     1628 |           -1 |
|    39066 |            0 |
|       28 |            1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The checkbox looks for 0 (false) / 1 (true)

I'm unsure of the scenarios where it is -1 and why but if anyone knows why we can account for it

Isaaru commented 11 months ago

My recent testing of Disciplines getting overwritten by debuffs led me down a rabbit hole to find out that a discipline MUST be 1 (not -1) in order to be considered a discipline when it comes to stacking exemptions. However, this created other problems. Those issues are unrelated to this but just wanted to add that.