Akkadius / spire

[Spire] A rich, portable server editing and development toolkit for EverQuest Emulator servers
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[Bug] Player Event Log Viewer Missing Reward Data #159

Open brickbuckett opened 11 months ago

brickbuckett commented 11 months ago

Description of Issue While doing some BAT testing and reviewing logs, I took notice that the player event log viewer didn't have a proper accounting of the money I received after completing a quest.

Environment ServerOS: Ubuntu 22.04 HostOS: Windows 11 VM: Virtualbox Additional: Freshly installed AkkStack running default settings with exception for loginserver settings Services:

Navigation Spire > Logs > Player Event Log Viewer

Expected Results The logs should have an accurate representation of the reward given.

Actual Results Logs show I received 0 money, however, I received 1 gold, 2 silver, and 1 copper pieces in-game


  "npc_id": "9128",
  "npc_name": "Exterminator Qalantir",
  "handin_items[0].item_id": "13071",
  "handin_items[0].item_name": "Rat Whiskers",
  "handin_items[0].charges": "1",
  "handin_items[0].attuned": "false",
  "handin_items[1].item_id": "13071",
  "handin_items[1].item_name": "Rat Whiskers",
  "handin_items[1].charges": "1",
  "handin_items[1].attuned": "false",
  "handin_items[2].item_id": "13071",
  "handin_items[2].item_name": "Rat Whiskers",
  "handin_items[2].charges": "1",
  "handin_items[2].attuned": "false",
  "handin_items[3].item_id": "13071",
  "handin_items[3].item_name": "Rat Whiskers",
  "handin_items[3].charges": "1",
  "handin_items[3].attuned": "false",
  "handin_money.copper": "0",
  "handin_money.silver": "0",
  "handin_money.gold": "0",
  "handin_money.platinum": "0",
  "return_items": "[]",
  "return_money.copper": "0",
  "return_money.silver": "0", 
  "return_money.gold": "0",
  "return_money.platinum": "0",