As a SM of the AKROS Marketplace project, I want to rely on a checklist/repeatable process for the on-/offboarding, so that i can manage ressources and knowledge transfer accordingly.
[ ] External dependencies are identified or eliminated
[ ] Design (at least LoFi?)
[ ] Has acceptance criteria
[ ] the Review process is used for Peer Reviews and
[ ] A Developer has tested how including a Function Review would change the Review Process
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] I have a overview of the systems and authorizations in each requiered for working
[ ] I have a link collection that I can quickly share with new hires so that they can prepare their work environment accordingly
[ ] I have a template for a onboarding / offboarding user story, that I can use when members join or leave
[ ] Story is tested against acceptance criteria
Integration test is done ( if applicable)Unit test should be passedIntegration test is done ( if applicable)Non-functional requirements are met
As a SM of the AKROS Marketplace project, I want to rely on a checklist/repeatable process for the on-/offboarding, so that i can manage ressources and knowledge transfer accordingly.
Acceptance Criteria:
Integration test is done ( if applicable)Unit test should be passedIntegration test is done ( if applicable)Non-functional requirements are metCodeReview performed~~or build changesdocumenteddatabasechanges are documented Database