AkrosAG / Akros-Marketplace

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Profile site and user service changeUserData method #212

Closed Ayerbe88 closed 1 year ago

Ayerbe88 commented 1 year ago

Profile site has been created accesible form the user menu. ChangeUserData method has been created in user service which calls admin keycloack endpoint with an user ID and a body of the new user data in the form of UserDataModel inteface.

In order to finish the story it is required to export a new keycloack configuration so that new user atribute and required settings are available in new docker images. New user atributes can be added in keycloack in Realm settings / User profile.

Changing user metadata has only worked from frontend using directly a token generetad in keycloack admin console with the master admin user, this also has to be fixes so all users are able to call the new method ChangeUserData.

usersManagementUrl in environment.prod.ts needs to be changed with correct deployed URL.

User service and profile component habe been excluded from test coverage until task is resolved and no further changes are needed.