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All search results under "Angebote" Zimmer, Haus, Wohnung and Parkplatz are total 25 in numbers (#222) #285

Open Dummylearners opened 1 year ago

Dummylearners commented 1 year ago

This Issue is found during testing of #222

To review the test case steps, pls check Test Document.


TimmyAeberli commented 1 year ago

@Dummylearners : Wasn't this issue resolved / disproved ?

Atanasov-AA commented 1 year ago

@TimmyAeberli I will test if everything works and if it's correctly saved in the database. I don't think, that the bug exists.

Atanasov-AA commented 1 year ago

After testing and checking the database, there shouldn't be a bug with the filters. Please check again if you can reproduce it, if something doesn't work, please contact me.

Dummylearners commented 1 year ago

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

Re-test on 30.01.2023

Test Environment: Firefox Web Browser

Test OS: Windows

Test case 1_ Under search check total entries of rooms under Rooms and furnished Rooms advertisements.

Test Steps:

1. Open Site and do not Login

2. Under "Angebote" "Zimmer" is auto selected

3. Click to "Suche" button

4. count the total "Zimmer" search results

5. Go back and select Zimmer and checkbox of "mobiliert"

6. count the total "Zimmer mobiliert" search results

Test case 2_ Under search Check total entries of apartments and furnished apartments advertisements.

Test Steps:

1. Open Site and do not Login

2. Under "Angebote" select "Wohnung"

3. Click to "Suche" button

4. Count the total "Wohnung" search results

5. Go back and select apartment and checkbox of "mobiliert"

6. count the total "apartment mobiliert" search results


Test case 3_ Under Search check total entries of Haus and furnished House advertisements.

Test Steps:

1. Open Site and do not Login

2. Under "Angebote" "Haus" is auto selected

3. Click to "Suche" button

4. Count the total "Haus" search results

5. Go back and select Haus and checkbox of "mobiliert"

6. count the total "Haus mobiliert" search results

Test case 4_ Check total entries Parking advertisements.

Test Steps:

1. Open Site and do not Login

2. Under "Angebote" "Parking"

3. Click to "Suche" button

4. Count the total "Parking" search results

Please repeat all 4 test cases with login to crosscheck check the results.

All Tests Pass.

Expected Test Result: According to published items of total ad numbers should display correctly in search result.

Test result matches the total number of published Advertisements of search type, that is 23.

(Please Check! Before total Ads were 25 in numbers. Now total results are 23. Could be 2 published ads were mistakenly deleted during Testing #222/#291

Search Type | Login | Without login -- | -- | -- Zimmer | 13 | 13 Zimmer Mobilierts | 2 | 2 Wohnung | 5 | 5 Wohnung mobiliert | 0 | 0 Haus | 1 | 1 Haus mobiliert | 1 | 1 Parking | 1 | 1 Total | 23 | 23 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/117288240/215362686-97a8c255-a7e8-4439-990d-5015c88dd2ee.png)
Dummylearners commented 1 year ago

Re tested by Anupama I Test Pass I

@Atanasov-AA please see here total published results are 23. Now everything is front side results are shown as expected.