Akryum / peeky

A fast and fun test runner for Vite & Node 🐈️ Powered by Vite ⚡️
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IDE integrations #24

Open mathieutu opened 3 years ago

mathieutu commented 3 years ago

Hi, I've gave a shot to peeky for testing a package. It's really easy to configure and much quicker than jest to run, BUT I've unfortunately lost a lot of DX.

Indeed, I've usually some tools to launch and restart my tests directly in the IDE:

Run tests from editor

Rerun failed tests

It's quite the same than your interface, but in my IDE, so quicker and... better for me.

Do you know if we can do something about that?

I think that if we want to avoid to make plugins for all of the IDEs, the easier would be a way to provide a Jest compatible interface, to be able to select Peeky as a Jest runner.

What are you thoughts about that?


Akryum commented 3 years ago

VS Code:


mathieutu commented 3 years ago

@Akryum from your message, can we understand that you prefer to make ide plugins than adapt peeky to create a jest interface? (which is really what I would choose personally)

Akryum commented 3 years ago

@mathieutu I'm not sure of the direction, just doing some research. If we can trick IDE into thinking it's Jest, maybe it's worth a shot - I have no clue how to do that for now though.

mathieutu commented 3 years ago

For jetbrain at least, we can summarize the work to "make a jest compatible cli". In background, the ide just call the cli with some args. If we create a cli which is a just a proxy we can answer a lot of issue imo. I'll make some tests.

Akryum commented 3 years ago

I didn't find any relevant documentation about this yet. Also I don't have any Jetbrains IDE on my computer :sweat_smile:

mathieutu commented 3 years ago

Ok, I've made some tests, and what I've seen is that Jetbrain (and probably also vscode) uses custom reporters of its own to parse and understand the jest or mocha results. It will so be a bit more difficult than planned, as it would force us to add a reporter feature to Peeky, which will have the same interface than jest...

Akryum commented 3 years ago


mathieutu commented 3 years ago


Who passed --quiet mode to @Akryum? I knew him more --verbose! 😛