Akryum / vue-virtual-scroller

⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
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DynamicScroller goes into an infinite loop bug #744

Open patchthecode opened 1 year ago

patchthecode commented 1 year ago

System: Vuejs3 build: https://github.com/Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller/tree/next/packages/vue-virtual-scroller

I have created a minimal recreation of the bug here -> https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-chutjj?file=src/App.vue

Description of problem: Go to App.vue, and you will see the variable on line#12 = "vertical" All will be fine.

Now change this variable to "horizontal". And the framework will go into an infinite resizing loop

More information The App.vue file has 2 DynamicScrollers. The outter DynamicScroller is Vertical and the inner DynamicScroller is horizontal (after you changed the variable above).

StackBlitz will not show the infinite loop. But the console log printing this loop is located in the /src/src/components/RecycleScroller.vue on line#147

kostia7alania commented 1 year ago
