Issue Title: Implement Infosys Stock Prediction using Bi-LSTM with Conv-1D
Develop a project to predict Infosys stock prices using a Bi-LSTM model combined with Conv-1D. The project will include data preprocessing, feature engineering, model construction, training, and evaluation.
Data Preprocessing:
Load and preprocess stock price data.
Normalize the data.
Feature Engineering:
Create lag features.
Split data into sequences for time series analysis.
Model Construction:
Implement Bi-LSTM with Conv-1D architecture.
Configure model parameters and layers.
Model Training:
Split data into training and validation sets.
Train the model and monitor performance.
Model Evaluation:
Evaluate model using appropriate metrics (e.g., RMSE, MAE).
Visualize predictions vs actual prices.
Document the data preprocessing and model training steps.
Provide insights and recommendations based on model performance
Issue Title: Implement Infosys Stock Prediction using Bi-LSTM with Conv-1D
Develop a project to predict Infosys stock prices using a Bi-LSTM model combined with Conv-1D. The project will include data preprocessing, feature engineering, model construction, training, and evaluation.
Data Preprocessing:
Feature Engineering:
Model Construction:
Model Training:
Model Evaluation: