Akshatchaube01 / TimeWarp

An opensource webapp that allows users to explore historical versions of their current location virtually. Using augmented reality and historical maps, users can see how their surroundings looked in different time periods and learn about the history of the area.
MIT License
40 stars 63 forks source link

Content should not flow outside the card #334

Open kapilG0 opened 3 days ago

kapilG0 commented 3 days ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Content should not flow outside the card

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context Screenshot_20240625_224916

What problem is this feature trying to solve?

How do we know when the feature is complete?

kapilG0 commented 3 days ago

Hello @Akshatchaube01 please assign this issue to me under gssoc 24