AkshayChordiya / News

A sample News 🗞 app built using Modern Android Development [Architecture Components, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Kotlin, Dagger]
MIT License
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feat: Integrate with dagger 2 #21

Closed Ezike closed 5 years ago

Ezike commented 5 years ago


adds dagger integration to the project

AkshayChordiya commented 5 years ago

I tested the PR and it wasn't building due to few issues with ViewModel and Kotlin version [v1.3.30] hence I'm closing this PR and created another PR based upon this #22

Ezike commented 5 years ago

Okay. I've been trying to resolve the problem with injecting the viewmodel into the viewmodelprovider.factory class

Like you said, seems to be an issue with version

AkshayChordiya commented 5 years ago

Yeah it was 2 fold problem.

  1. Needed to add few more things for `ViewModel
  2. Conflict with Dagger and Kotlin v1.3.30 (https://github.com/google/dagger/issues/1478)
Ezike commented 5 years ago

Okay. I saw that the issue was raised on the Dagger repo

Ezike commented 5 years ago

I saw your invite to collaborate on the repo but the link seems broken