Akuli / teek

Simpler alternative to tkinter.
MIT License
31 stars 5 forks source link

Just a question #15

Open nixfreak opened 3 years ago

nixfreak commented 3 years ago

Is “Teek” still under development or is the project non-active? If active is it stable for production? From reading I really like this project and I’m looking for a good GUI lib to build apps on rather then Pyqt, tkinter,wx, or kivy.

Akuli commented 3 years ago

My interest in developing teek stopped when I tried to make Porcupine use teek. It worked, but it was a lot slower than with tkinter, and unfortunately teek's niceness stuff comes with a performance cost. I will review and merge pull requests to teek, but don't expect to get many more teek features developed by me.

Recently I've worked on making tkinter usable with mypy, which is what I'm going to do with Porcupine. I think that will be quite nice because I can be more confident that I got things right before running my code. Also, this kind of niceness comes without a runtime performance cost.

Bakir-hub commented 3 years ago

я не могу работать с библиотекой teek я сделал всё как в документации но всё равно появляется ошибка `image

import teek window = teek.Window("Hello World") label = teek.Label(window, "Hello World!") label.pack() window.on_delete_window.connect(teek.quit) teek.run()

это весь код

Akuli commented 3 years ago

Don't name your file teek.py