Akylas / OSS-DocumentScanner

Android document document scanning app
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[BUG] Whats up with the new release? #232

Closed firefoxlover closed 2 weeks ago

firefoxlover commented 3 weeks ago


The release 3 hours ago has a different name. Is this wanted or in the wrong repo?

It has a different app name which causes trouble.

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farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@firefoxlover it is à new baby app based on the same code. It is to handle cards Both will be released under the same repo but with different releases name

kvmgithub commented 3 weeks ago

At least rename the files appropriately. ImageToolbox_2024-06-12_08-57-21_2668

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@kvmgithub what s that screenshot? The apps are named correctly. Everything is separated

kvmgithub commented 3 weeks ago

It is Obtainium. And no, the apps are all named app-arm64-v8a-release.apk, app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk or app-x86_64-release.apk.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@kvmgithub you are talking file name, and those should not be an issue. The apps are named correctly. The issue is with Obtainium not supporting monorepo. Every single release is seen as a new app release. Opening an issue there

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@kvmgithub https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium/issues/1666

kvmgithub commented 3 weeks ago

Every single release is seen as a new app release.

Well, even Github is showing the latest tag only for card wallet. Thanks for opening the issue though.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@kvmgithub about github latest tag, yes you are right and it is the same for all monorepo. Nothing i can do about this.

SanskritFritz commented 3 weeks ago

@firefoxlover As a workaround you can put "OSS Document Scanner" to the field "Filter release title" in the config in Obtainium.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@SanskritFritz @kvmgithub seeing it uses a regexp event Scanner is enough. I could add a note in the readme

kvmgithub commented 3 weeks ago

@SanskritFritz I tried filtering by release title or notes before, that resulted in the right picture in my first comment. This time it worked.

firefoxlover commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah same here, it now gives me constant "no version found" errors.

@farfromrefug I appreciate your app but releasing 2 apps in the same releases leads to confusion with likely a lot of apps. Especially as the .apk files are named the same.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@firefoxlover just tested with obtainium latest and it works fine here. I see my 2 apps correctly. Now about the naming i understand your point. But it is also very important to note that it is 100% easier for me to releases those apps that way. Which means i can spend more time on features (dont forget i am not paid, very little donations, for all that i do) and bug fixes. As for the file name. I will look if i can change that, however i am far from the only one using those names (default build names) https://github.com/zhanghai/MaterialFiles/releases

firefoxlover commented 3 weeks ago

@farfromrefug I will try adding it again, maybe that helps.

The app name is not a problem. Obtainium just uses the Github metadata for the app name I guess and uses the latest tag for releases.

kvmgithub commented 3 weeks ago

@firefoxlover as already stated, this or even this worked. I had to add it again to obtainium though, as it wanted to get the wrong version the first time and stated wrong version code the second time.

firefoxlover commented 3 weeks ago

Ok I tried it again. When adding the app new it detects the latest APK and automatically switches to this CardWallet.

kvmgithub commented 3 weeks ago

@firefoxlover Do what is shown left to get what is shown right. ImageToolbox_2024-06-12_16-08-31_5716

exstntlmsnthrp commented 3 weeks ago

I agree with @firefoxlover that this is very confusing. No one uses the same, solitary repo for multiple projects. It's not that difficult to setup another repo and build process. I don't need or want a card scanner.

You're going to drive people away from the project by doing this. I'm receiving GitHub notifications that a new version of OSS document scanner is available and then find out it's this. Please separate into 2 repos.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@exstntlmsnthrp Sorry you dont like it. But i wont change it. And please dont say it is not difficult when you dont know the implications. Obtainium is 100% capable of handling both apps as explained in this thread.

exstntlmsnthrp commented 3 weeks ago

@farfromrefug I didn't say anything about obtanium.

If the implications for you are so onerous, why not explain them to the public? Then maybe people might be a little more understanding. Otherwise it just looks like lazy development practices, because you can't be bothered.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@exstntlmsnthrp Ok so github notifications yes you will get one for each cardwallet release. Maybe you can filter them i dont know. Now about the implication it is easy:

Will think about other benefits. But appart from the notification issue which appeared in this thread i dont see any other drawback. So i dont see any reason to change the way it is right now

exstntlmsnthrp commented 2 weeks ago

@farfromrefug I'd just like to say thanks for taking your time to share this very thorough explanation. Much appreciated.

I better understand where you're coming from and the decision you've made regarding this.

Thank you.