Akylas / oss-weather

An OSS weather app for iOS/Android
MIT License
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Improving the Compare Models feature? #147

Open Mrnofish opened 2 months ago

Mrnofish commented 2 months ago

I use from time to time the above mentioned feature, it's a very neat idea and the first time I see it in a weather app, however there are two major annoyances I run consistently into:

The first is the choice of colors - I use the Pitch Black theme and they are generally too dark to provide optimal visibility. As an aside, picking a nicer palette would go a long way in making the app more visually pleasing, but I'd say function first and looks later.

The second is that picking some metrics appears to produce data that overlaps perfectly. This is one is twice as puzzling:

  1. It may induce the impression that the app isn't plotting all the selected models, since only one of the curves is visible and there is no indication or suggestion (such as an animation, perhaps) whatsoever, that that other curves are hidden behind it.
  2. It seems weird that e.g. Precipitation Chance would be exactly the same for a number of distinct models, whereas on Max or Min Temperature you'd see a reasonable spread and amount of variation; even if the delta is not huge between a model and another, the curves do not overlap so perfectly.

Another minor notation is that the metrics (hourly VS daily) are unmarked.

There's also a bunch of English labels where Proper Case is not used (not just in Compare Models, though).

farfromrefug commented 2 months ago

@Mrnofish thanks for the feedback. Yes it is an early feature and it has a lot of issues. 1/ yes i need to work on colors. Not easy to find the right color scheme for light/dark theme 2/ it has been reported before but i cant find a way to reproduce it. Any chance you could make a video of it?

About the last 2 issues. Any chance you can share screenshots?

farfromrefug commented 2 months ago

@Mrnofish just published a new version which should hopefully fix both issues for you