AlCalzone / ioBroker.ble

Monitor Bluetooth Low Energy beacons
MIT License
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Mi Flora plant sensor: no battery stats? #106

Open thatso opened 5 years ago

thatso commented 5 years ago

I'm currently on BLE 0.7.0 (still waiting for 0.7.2 to be released with the additional MAC for hygrometers) and don't see battery stats for my plant sensor (MAC c4:7c:8d:xx:xx:xx, firmware 3.2.1) even after two weeks of the initial connection. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

AlCalzone commented 5 years ago

If I remember correctly, the battery information requires an active connection, which is something the adapter does not support yet.

thatso commented 5 years ago

Do you mean polling the device with "active connection"? It seems the neighboring project is doing it this way:

AlCalzone commented 5 years ago

Yes, that's what I mean. The problem isn't that I don't know how to do it - its finding the time to do so. Because I need to do it in a generic way so I can support many other devices aswell.

capitaenz commented 4 years ago

I would also be very happy about the enhancement of the battery capacity.

Klugschieter commented 4 years ago

Yeah I agree, that would be really nice to have. I have a smart greenhouse in my garden, but it is 15km away from here. Sometimes I don´t go there for 2 weeks, When in this time the battery of one of the 20 sensors is empty, it is sometimes a little mess, especially when you went there a day ago. But, no hurry! I am very thankful of all the work and time you are spending on this great adapter until now! And in the meantime I can use my MobileApp to check the battery status. when I´m there. Though it´s a little laborious in this way.

eddKv commented 3 years ago

The miflora js on github uses characteristics to read the data. I think this could help to integrate into the adapter, because the code looks simple.

nukleuz80 commented 2 years ago

Is it meanwhile possible to get the battery status? I installed the adapter yesterday but i don´t get the battery status of MiFlora...

In the past i used this on RPI3+ to fetch the data incl. battery - send this with MQTT to ioBroker:

AlCalzone commented 2 years ago

No. still holds true. I don't find much time to do anything else outside Z-Wave and what I need for it.

moeff commented 1 year ago

bump - hope there is any chance to get the feature

atm - i've written a workaround script- to check that data comes in, if not (1day) - it informs me to replace the battery - i use the flower cars for controlling 'leitwert in German' on my aquariums ;)