AlCalzone / ioBroker.zwave2

Z-Wave for ioBroker. Better. Faster. Stronger.
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Feature Request: Custom-Names for Nodes #1045

Open tehmilcho opened 5 months ago

tehmilcho commented 5 months ago

Hey there,

i dont found the Option for Feature Requests. What I really miss in this Adpater compare to other solutions is the possibility to give Nodes Custom-Names.

For Example a Motion Sensor: Custom-Name "HallwayPIR-1"

I mean sure i can create a new Room or Function to have an indicator what "Node-X" mean but this quite uncomfortable. Also normally i create dynamic "jsons" with the a part of the Devicename or Path and the Battery state to display it or to send me Pushovers but now i would get some like "Node-X Battery empty" what means i have to remember it.

AlCalzone commented 5 months ago

You should be able to rename the device object to your liking. The adapter should preserve the name.

tehmilcho commented 5 months ago

mhh with Expertmode and then Changing "name" of "Node-6" like this:

"common": { "name": "TESTPIR" },

Or what you mean?

AlCalzone commented 5 months ago

Rechtsklick aufs Objekt, Bearbeiten, dann hier ändern: grafik

Standardmäßig sollte dort stehen welches Gerät das ist: grafik

tehmilcho commented 5 months ago

jo das ist das gleiche was ich geschrieben habe ohne Expertenmodus bekommt man die Option nicht dann kann man das per GUI oder direkt "object Data" ändern.

Dennoch nicht direkt das gleiche bei den anderen Lösung, da ist so das man sagt man will ein Gerät anlernen, es findet ein Gerät und dann wird man gefragt wie es heißen soll. Also würde "Node_006" direkt den Custom-Name haben. Das mit dem "" reicht aber erstmal für das was ich so brauche.

AlCalzone commented 5 months ago

Fair enough. Ich lass es mal als Feature request offen 👍🏻

PackElend commented 4 months ago

another point, as with z-wave 700 and 800 the range is increased extremely, it is likely that the gateway will detect multiple devices. A list as above with maybe 30+ nodes is quite confusing and challenging to find your own. In the case of e.g. the Shelly Wave Shutter, which does not show a name, you see only Node. In that case, it would be helpful, if there is an automatic starting workflow to rename newly detected devices or maybe pull information from if missing

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