AlUlkesh / stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser

an images browse for stable-diffusion-webui
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[Feature Request] Slideshow #228

Open dlnetworks opened 1 year ago

dlnetworks commented 1 year ago

Would be great to have a slideshow button. Next to the button can be an input box to specify how many seconds to display each image. And if you want to polish it off, a fullscreen button as well =]

ideally all the normal keyboard shortcuts would work as the slideshow progresses...

siramods commented 11 months ago

This comment is vaguely related but maybe useful to some (surely is for me). For the purpose of having a live slideshow of the generated images on a second monitor, I use the free IrfanView and a batch script I've concocted that goes like this (see at the end, just copy paste in a show.bat file in the txt2img/img2img folders). Ofc, change the "D:\EXE" part to match your irfan (or other viewer u have) installation. Basically it checks every second if new images are there and displays them, irfan handles de monitor and fullscreen part. In irfan options check the "only one instance" thingy. Cheers.

@echo off set lastimage="" :start timeout 1 > nul for /f "tokens=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /OD /w .jpg *.png') do set newest=%%a if "%lastimage%" == "%newest%" goto start set lastimage=%newest% echo %lastimage% start D:\EXE\IrfanView442_x64\i_view64.exe "%lastimage%" goto start