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Make explanation/graphic of "Blockchain = Common Knowledge about Monotonic Verifiable Data Structures" #16

Open jeapostrophe opened 5 years ago

jeapostrophe commented 5 years ago

If I could, I'd also assign Sud or SJD3

fare commented 5 years ago

I'm the wrong person to make graphics, at least the first version. Still, here is my initial idea...

Verifiable data structures = merklization, so show data tree content-addressed by digest?

Monotonic = can only add knowledge, not remove it. So... a linear blockchain with no forks? A, not A' where A' is a fork?

Common Knowledge = everyone agrees that everyone agrees, etc. So... a circle of miners all saying A-OK with an OK sign?

fare commented 5 years ago

I'd assign to Sud for a first version.