Alamofire / AlamofireImage

AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire
MIT License
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Bugfix from 4.0.0.beta.2 to 4.0.0 in CFBundleShortVersionString #359

Closed xGoPox closed 5 years ago

xGoPox commented 5 years ago

remove the .beta.2 from CFBundleShortVersionString key in info.plist in order to be able distribute the app

This PR drops the pre-release version from the CFBundleShortVersionString in the Info.plist.

Goals ⚽️

To allow users to be able to submit Alamofire Image betas to the AppStore using submodules and Carthage.

Implementation Details 🚧


Testing Details 🔍


xGoPox commented 5 years ago

@cnoon could you please have look at this 😬 I cannot distribute my app because of the issue fixed in this PR - Appreciated