Open bhadreshtechinnate opened 3 months ago
Alamofire version: 5.9.1 AlamofireImage version: 4.3.0 Xcode version: 15.4 Swift version: 5 macOS version running Xcode: Sonoma 14.2.1
Here is the code, I am using to set the image from url:
extension UIImageView { public func sc_setImage(withURL url: URL, placeholder: UIImage?=nil, filter: ImageFilter?=nil, imageTransition: ImageTransition? = .noTransition,completionHandler:((UIImage?)-> Swift.Void)?=nil) { // print("sc_setImage url=", url.absoluteString) af.setImage(withURL: url,placeholderImage:placeholder,filter:filter, imageTransition:imageTransition!,runImageTransitionIfCached:true,completion:{ image in completionHandler?(image.value) }) } }
When I set the image transition = .noTransition and runImageTransitionIfCached = true, at that time collectionview cell start flickering when scroll fast or switching from screen A to screen B and again come to screen A.
Alamofire Environment
Alamofire version: 5.9.1 AlamofireImage version: 4.3.0 Xcode version: 15.4 Swift version: 5 macOS version running Xcode: Sonoma 14.2.1
Here is the code, I am using to set the image from url:
When I set the image transition = .noTransition and runImageTransitionIfCached = true, at that time collectionview cell start flickering when scroll fast or switching from screen A to screen B and again come to screen A.