Alan-Bushell / la-cocina-del-diablo

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USER STORY: Base Template #4

Closed Alan-Bushell closed 9 months ago

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

As a Developer I can view the website while coding it so that I can make adjustments and ensure a functionality works as expected.

Acceptance Criteria


Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

Added boilerplate to project while working on back end to allow for testing.

Boiler plate will be replaced when moving on to design phase.

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

Changed Routing URLS as the base and index were injecting Events.html as the primary source.

Updated this information and added the overarching restaurant app to look after the general info and user profile.

Added font awesome link to head of base to allow for profile icon to display.

Added style.css to style icon. Only minimal styling in place for time being.

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

Amended the navbar and added and centered the main links I will be using for this project.

Anything above that would be aesthetical.

Issue with the events url routing to events events/ instead of just events.

Issue was resolved when I realized the error and removed the duplicate '/' link.