Alan-Bushell / la-cocina-del-diablo

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USER STORY: Events #6

Open Alan-Bushell opened 1 year ago

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

As a Business owner I can showcase upcoming events so that users can reserve tickets

Acceptance Criteria


Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

Added events modal and allowed admin ability to post new events and make them go live.

Added summer note to description field to allow for rich text editing.

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

With the addition of the boilerplate html base templates the sample events are now showing as intended.

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

The event details pages are now showing with the templated logic being injected for each individual item.

I need to add a ticket button for users to be able to request / reserve tickets.

I also want to add functionality for events where the tickets are not available to reserve until a certain date or time.

To achieve this I want to play around with some of the Django built-ins regarding date and time.

For now this will be left until the user model is created and a profile is set

Alan-Bushell commented 1 year ago

The longer I leave this feature the more I think it may not be necessary to include a ticket option.

For the basis of this project I am satisfied the requirements have been met and that all that remains is Extensive testing and general aesthetic improvements