We are trying to use this nuget log4net.Appender.Splunk package to sent logevent to Splunk HEC.
This works fine locally on developer machine, when we deploy the asp.net WebAPI dotnet version 4.8 on azure app service
its not working, we don't see the logs in Splunk HEC.
I downloaded the project and tried to figure out what might cause the issue, I was able to identify that the issue is with httpClient
TLS issue version not setting to TLS 1.2.
I modified the httpClient to always user TLS12 and took the modified DLL and referred in WebAPI project and deployed to Azure app service and it worked!
var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
handler.SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls12;
httpClient = new HttpClient(handler,true);
It will be very help if a configuration parameter is provided to set the TLS version
or is there something wrong I'm doing with azure app service deployment?
I'll be happy to raise a pull request with above change supporting all TLS versions.
I would like to understand use of ignoreCertificateErrors, the certificate issue with Splunk server or the application
from where the Splunk HEC is called?
We are trying to use this nuget log4net.Appender.Splunk package to sent logevent to Splunk HEC. This works fine locally on developer machine, when we deploy the asp.net WebAPI dotnet version 4.8 on azure app service its not working, we don't see the logs in Splunk HEC.
I downloaded the project and tried to figure out what might cause the issue, I was able to identify that the issue is with httpClient TLS issue version not setting to TLS 1.2.
I modified the httpClient to always user TLS12 and took the modified DLL and referred in WebAPI project and deployed to Azure app service and it worked! var handler = new HttpClientHandler(); handler.SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls12; httpClient = new HttpClient(handler,true);
It will be very help if a configuration parameter is provided to set the TLS version or is there something wrong I'm doing with azure app service deployment?
I'll be happy to raise a pull request with above change supporting all TLS versions.
I would like to understand use of ignoreCertificateErrors, the certificate issue with Splunk server or the application from where the Splunk HEC is called?
Thank you