AlanChatham / UnoJoy

UnoJoy! allows you to easily turn an Arduino Uno (or Mega or Leonardo) into a PS3-compatible USB game controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ButtonBox request #58

Open Linrox opened 11 months ago

Linrox commented 11 months ago

Any chance of creating a 32 button box version for mega & uno

AlanChatham commented 9 months ago

Sorry for the super late reply, but I'm not sure what you mean by a 32 button box? I'm ironically not super deep into custom controllers in the wild; is there a particular controller that you're thinking of? Currently, MegaJoy is an option for creating 32 button controllers, although it's also kind of goofy in that it creates two logical controllers as to have places for every one of the Mega's many, many pins.

Linrox commented 9 months ago

Hey I guess you have been busy, i didn't think i was going to get a reply. Thank you for replying. Firstly i don't know if you can help. But thank you for listening.

MY GOAL I am trying to create a button box for Elite Dangerous. I don't think i will be adding a joystick, just buttons.

So in using megajoy i don't know what code to use to send a signal so when a button is pressed(1 of 32) so the controller config software only detect 1 button pressed. I believe it is not print or write (i could be wrong) And i want a little help in getting the code right. I have tried individual connected buttons and matrix style. both give the same result of either no key detected or multiple keys detected.

For example pushing a single buttons shows up as multiple buttons pressed. (leftDpad, LeftAnalog, UpAnalog, DownDpad, LTrigger,Akey,StartKey) all at the same time.

There are very few videos for linux button box's. So i am trying every option i can to learn

Thanks Update: One thing i forgot to mention, and why i need your help. I could not get the megajoy software to work. as the controller config software did not recognise a button press as a button press.

AlanChatham commented 8 months ago

Hmmm... I'm not super familiar with Linux, so I may be less helpful than I could be, but could you share the Arduino code you're currently trying to get working? I've also updated the MegaJoy firmware last week to fix a potential USB Product ID collision, so can you re-download the current MegaJoy/ATmega8u2Code folder contents and try that?