AlanChatham / UnoJoy

UnoJoy! allows you to easily turn an Arduino Uno (or Mega or Leonardo) into a PS3-compatible USB game controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't upload any code to Adruino uno after turning back to Arduino using TurnIntoAnArduino.bat #64

Open Bluedriver01 opened 6 months ago

Bluedriver01 commented 6 months ago

As title says after turning back to Arduino every attempt takes a few minutes and end with error "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" does anyone know how to fix this. if you need any more info on issue feel free to ask.

AlanChatham commented 6 months ago

I don't mean to be insulting, because I run into this too an embarrassing amount of times, but have you unplugged it and plugged it back in? It's also possible that it reconnected on a different serial port, so you should try those options in Arduino next. If those things don't work, is the system still seeing a joystick? Or is it somehow stuck in bootloader mode - check this by running TurnIntoAnArduno.bat and seeing if it shows any errors.

Let me know what you get!

Bluedriver01 commented 6 months ago

Firstable thank you for such fast response i didn't expect that

"have you unplugged it and plugged it back in"

Yes I did that, in addition to that I restarted my PC and also I plugged it into my laptop to check if the problem is with my PC or the problem is with Arduino and gives me same result on laptop so is the Arduino problem

"It's also possible that it reconnected on a different serial port"

well it was ealier conected to COM3 port and now is in COM4 but that also could cause problems on laptop? and if thats the case what should i do?

"is the system still seeing a joystick?"

No, it shows arduino UNO in device manager and in IDE also if computer would still see Joy I wouldn't use it in IDE because it doesn't show there (at least for me)

"Or is it somehow stuck in bootloader mode - check this by running TurnIntoAnArduno.bat and seeing if it shows any errors."

Ok this is copy most of command window contents


Device selection....................... PASS Hardware selection..................... PASS Opening port........................... AtLibUsbDfu: 3EB 2FF7 no device present. FAIL Could not open USB device. ISP done. Trying to re-flash for an Arduino Uno R3


Device selection....................... PASS Hardware selection..................... PASS Opening port........................... PASS Reading Bootloader version............. PASS 1.2.0 Erasing................................ PASS Selecting FLASH........................ PASS Blank checking......................... PASS 0x00000 0x02fff Parsing HEX file....................... PASS Arduino-usbserial-uno.hex Programming memory..................... PASS 0x00000 0x00fd9 Verifying memory....................... PASS 0x00000 0x00fd9 Starting Application................... PASS RESET 0

Summary: Total 11 Passed 11 Failed 0

as you see there are no errors

could be stuck in bootloader mode even there are no errors?