AlanCristhian / statically

Compiles a python function with cython using only a decorator.
MIT License
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Transonic: a unified Python API for Python-Numpy accelerators (Pythran, Cython, Numba) #9

Open paugier opened 5 years ago

paugier commented 5 years ago


i wrote which is similar to Statically, but for Pythran.

I think it would be very interesting to build a pure-Python tool which would be able to speedup complex Python-Numpy code with AOT and JIT compilations with different "backends" (Pythran, Cython, Numba - Cupy and Pytorch).


I just drop the idea here to see if other people could be interested...

AlanCristhian commented 5 years ago

Look good.

paugier commented 4 years ago

Transonic is new name of what was first called FluidPythran.

Transonic is now able to use Cython to accelerate Python-Numpy code.


paugier commented 4 years ago

We really need some feedback from "the community" about the ideas associated with Transonic, so we wrote a long and serious text on these subjects:

Your points of view would be very interesting for us.

Statically and Transonic are so close that the 2 projects could actually be merged.

Do you still work on / with Statically?

Would it be possible to mention Transonic ( in your README ?