Load chests (normal and rare variations) from xml data
Loot drop table
Create a manager to spawn chests and respawn them at the correct time.
Looking at sniffs golden chests ids are always different at least within a single map, wood chests always use the same id. This is probably related to trophies/exploration goals that require you to open X amount of different golden chests in a map.
Load chests (normal and rare variations) from xml dataLooking at sniffs golden chests ids are always different at least within a single map, wood chests always use the same id. This is probably related to trophies/exploration goals that require you to open X amount of different golden chests in a map.
More info about chests here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapleStory2/comments/9luhc3/informationguide_wooden_chests_and_golden_chests/