The cropped images for cards from Infinite Forbidden seem to have transferred over to their actual release IDs, but the IDs in the database and the IDs used for the actual rendered cards themselves still seem to use their beta IDs
Dark Magician the Ebon Sorcerer still has its beta ID of 101205006 in the database instead of its release ID of 342673, but the cropped image is found at "" rather than "", which prevents you from being able to automatically search for it. This also holds true for The Phantom Exodia and Raika no Himejanome. These were the only 3 I looked at, so I just kind of assumed it applies to the rest of the set as well
The cropped images for cards from Infinite Forbidden seem to have transferred over to their actual release IDs, but the IDs in the database and the IDs used for the actual rendered cards themselves still seem to use their beta IDs Dark Magician the Ebon Sorcerer still has its beta ID of 101205006 in the database instead of its release ID of 342673, but the cropped image is found at "" rather than "", which prevents you from being able to automatically search for it. This also holds true for The Phantom Exodia and Raika no Himejanome. These were the only 3 I looked at, so I just kind of assumed it applies to the rest of the set as well