AlanRace / SpectralAnalysis

Software for the analysis and interactive exploration of spectral imaging data
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE] not able to read SIMS data #43

Open inesboxexa opened 3 years ago

inesboxexa commented 3 years ago

Hi Alan,

I have tried to load ToF SIMS data (both grd and tofs files) but Im getting the following error:

Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. Class 'SIMSParser' inherits abstract methods or properties but does not implement them. See the list of methods and properties that 'SIMSParser' must implement if you do not intend the class to be abstract.

Error in SpectralAnalysisInterface/openFile (line 73) parser = eval(parserCommand);

Error in SpectralAnalysisInterface>@(src,evnt)this.openFile(this.openFileMethods{i}) (line 330) 'Callback', @(src, evnt) this.openFile(this.openFileMethods{i}));

Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

Do i need to do something different?

Thank you, Teresa