AlanRace / SpectralAnalysis

Software for the analysis and interactive exploration of spectral imaging data
Apache License 2.0
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I #47

Closed ccpccxh closed 3 years ago

ccpccxh commented 3 years ago

hi, I am very interested in your work. But when I use it in Matlab 2020a or 2018a, the basic function is ok, but when I use PCA, error see following error InMemoryPCA/process (line 105) [coeffs, scores, latent_] = pca({pixelListIndex}, :));

error DataViewer/finishedEditingPostProcessingMethod (line 314) postProcessingMethod.process(obj.dataRepresentation);

error DataViewer>@(src,evnt)obj.finishedEditingPostProcessingMethod() (line 250) addlistener(obj.postProcessingMethodEditor, 'FinishedEditingPostProcessingMethod', @(src, evnt)obj.finishedEditingPostProcessingMethod());

error PostProcessingMethodEditor/okButtonCallback (line 309) notify(obj, 'FinishedEditingPostProcessingMethod'); %, obj.preprocessingMethod);

error PostProcessingMethodEditor>@(src,evnt)obj.okButtonCallback() (line 154) 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.8 0.05 0.15 0.05], 'Callback', @(src, evnt)obj.okButtonCallback());

ccpccxh commented 3 years ago

I try to use your installer or exe file, but they doesn't work. Could you please help to used your tool, espcially, the procedure to use PCA, because the description is not very clear for me. Thank you.